10 Tips For Shooting Flambient Real Estate Photography P1
If you’re a newbie photographer and you want to improve your skills with flambient real estate photography. Then we recommend you should start with great ambient shots. Today NiceColor will share with you some tips to help you out when it comes to taking ambient photo shots.

1. Outline your plan with a Shot list 

If you want to get perfect flambient real estate photos, first of all, you should plan ahead for your shooting day. We recommend outlining your shot list. Because, as a competitive market, real estate photography has a tight budget and requires quick turnover.  A shot list is a clever way for you to save more time and effort for your shooting day. It is time for you to organize your photography packages and make your photo shoots more efficient.
Based on the time and budget, you can plan a different shot list for each type of property.  Some features you may need to highlight as the selling point of the property, or whether it’s a house or an apartment and the number of rooms the property has.
Here is an example shot list for residential property:
Flambient Real Estate Photography
Tips for Flambient Real Estate Photography
  • Exterior shot
  • Outdoor shot from the back (only if there’s a garden, pool, or something to showcase)
  • One shot per bedroom
  • One shot of the living room
  • One shot per bathroom
  • One shot of the kitchen
  • One shot of the dining room
Obviously, you can fine-tune this list according to each location.  Just make sure you adjust your rate if your client asks for more images than your standard package.

2. Decide the best time for shooting the Flambient Real Estate Photography

Flambient Real Estate Photography
Flambient Real Estate Photography from NiceColor
Shooting the property requires experient photographers who understand how to choose the right angle and when is the best time also. So if you want to choose the right time to shoot, you should contact with homeowner and realtor to schedule first.
Normally, photographers choose the early morning or late afternoon to get the best light for the shooting. Do you know why? Because in those times, photographers can take advantage of the sun with light through windows, and create soft shadows and warm tones for photos. They are often referred to as the golden hours to get the best photos for almost any property. And ensure the sun is illuminating the front of the house, though.
In addition, many homeowners want to add 1 or 2 twilight photos for their property so that it can stand out from the crowd. This sunset photography requires much time and patience from photographers. They can get 1 or 2 pictures for that scarce moments. And they need to prepare more for the sparkling time with outdoor images by litting your pool, your garden and tree with lighting bulk.

2. Clean up the property before shooting 

Flambient Real Estate Photography
Flambient Real Estate Photography from NiceColor
Preparing for the property before shooting is the necessary thing to get a beautiful photo album. So if your property has a messy or dirty area, so that you should clean them up neatly. As a agency, you should clarify with your client that the home will be clean and ready to be photographed. That is the best way to have better photos to showcase to the potential buyers.
Moreover, it is time for homeowners can put more time and effort to decorate their property as they want. This is a great way to help you create a home-like atmosphere for homebuyers. And it promises to put more value on your property. By doing that, your house will sell quickly and increase the profits.
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