Succeed with Real Estate Flambient photography

Why would I want to use a Real Estate flambient photography style?

Real Estate Flambient photography opens many ideas to create a cozy home for your property. By using various kinds of lights, it provides a few ways a room can be lit easily. They are the different ways you take advantage of flash and ambient lighting. Each method has positive and negative attributes and as a result, can portray a completely different feel or atmosphere.

Ambient Lighting

real estate flambient photography
Real estate flambient photography
Ambient Lighting is the way you take advantage of natural light to create cozy home and a like-home feel for homebuyers. It is time for you to decorate your room with lighting fixture electric lights as your favorite style. Then the mixture of natural and electric light will be a yellow / orange. Thanks to these lights, Some points would become visible like Natural shadows and brighter areas of room, such as the ceiling by a window. Then it create an atmosphere for your room – a warm feel.  It is also a great way to demonstrate how bright a room can look and feel during the day.
Because we decorate with lighting fixtures to create the yellow / orange tint. As a result, color accuracy will be affected in the ambient photos. It is one of The negative points of using ambient light. Moreover, deal with the lighting in the window, the ambient light tends to lose the details through the window. It is the reason why flambient photography requires a professional photographer to adjust the camera setting to maximize the room light levels.

Flash Lighting

real estate flambient photography
Real estate flambient photography from NiceColor
There is an easier way to light your room up, that using a flash. For most photographers, it is relatively simple to set up and control the shoot. At the back of most flash units is a plus and minus controller which will allow the operator to dial in how much flash is needed. Flash lighting is the best way to turn your dark room into a bright area. Compare with the ambient method, since the yellow / orange haze to the pictures, flash does not affect the color of the room. The truth is that all the colors are relatively accurate. However, it depends on how you control the flash. Do not use too much flash,  then your images will result diluted and a red wall could look pink.

Flash lighting can create flash attributes!

Every thing have its negative point and so does flashlight. The most common thing is that all the natural light spots and shadows are lost. It is the reason why taking images with flash will bring the feel a little cold and not very welcoming. A level of expertise is also required when using a flash as unwelcome hot spots or flash attributes can appear. Each photographer has their own way to cooperate with flash. Some point the flash forward will result in the flash refection in the mirror or wardrobe door. So in order to reduce the most effects, we recommend using the flash off the camera and pointing it straight up at the ceiling. This way you can control and hide the use of the flash.

Real Estate Flambient Lighting

Based on these pros and cons of each type, the flambient light methods did a great job of getting the accurate color of the room and brightening your room. But it not only requires a good knowledge of the camera and its functions but also a high level of Photoshop competence. bear in mind that you have to take at least 3 exposure to get a final flambient image, a shot using ambient light only, and at least 1 shot using flash. In addition, Changing the camera settings in each shot is necessary. And using a tripod is the most important thing we can equipped to have a good chance of lining up when merging them.

Real Estate Flambient Photography is key to successful marketing of a home!

Real Estate Flambient photography is most advanced method we can use for interior and exterior photos. It result is very pleasing and virtually impossible to achieve through using conventional methods. It is the perfect way to get  all the color accurately. And creating a room with a subtle and welcoming warmth thanks to the shadows being painted back in the room, which turns heads.
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