How to Shoot Aerial Real Estate Photography for listing?

How to Shoot Aerial Photography for Real Estate?

Aerial real estate photography is become one of the most important part for showcasing the property listing on marketing campaigns. All realtors and agencies want to add aerial photos for their albums to provide more information and breathtaking drone images for customers. They aim to create refreshed and brand-new feelings for homebuyers who want to experient the property in a different way with different perspectives. So knowing how to shoot a perfect aerial photo technique is a must to succeed in this field. Today NiceColor will share with you some tips for aerial photography for real estate that will create that respectable output from your photos.

Lower ISO, lower light sensitivity

aerial real estate photography
How to shoot aerial real estate photography
First of all, you should lower the ISO. As you know, ISO is the way we can effectively controls the sensitivity of the sensor to light. So if you increase thowe ISO from 100 to 200, for example, you are doubling the sensitivity to light. When it comes to taking photos with drones, with a height of ten feet or even higher. You can face the sunny and bright which may distort exposures.It may lead to a difficult task to fix in post-processing. So we recommend adjusting your ISO at lower levels to reduce its sensitivity to incoming light. By doing this, you can get the perfect exposure and easy to edit afterward.

Take bracketed images

How to shoot aerial real estate photography
How to shoot aerial real estate photography
With drone photography, we also can use brackets of exposures to ensure we get enough details for the property. Then the key to success is to take plenty of shots with different angles to choose from. You can create a connection between the house with nature by taking photos with the beautiful garden and the swimming pool. Or you can take the photos of balcony with furniture, etc.  Or you can take the total views of the house with the neighborhood and its locations like the nearby center building or school, and market. By capturing all the details of the property with its location, this drone HDR technique can help you create a stunning result when you put it all together. Then, the HDR blending process can easily be done and help you to puts together photos of various exposures. It is a poweful tool that allows you to bring out the best of each portion to create one stunning shot.

Seek out the perfect time of the day

Choosing the best time to take the aerial real estate photography is the necessary thing to do when working with it. Imagine you shoot in overcast conditions, it will end up with distort the images.  While the flashlight is not recommended for this kind of image, you can take advantages of natural lighting to get the best exposure. Then the best thing to do is choosing the sunny day with plenty of sunlight. This way you will not have a hard time to enhance the shot, and this easily gives you an advantage on clarity.

Try a camera mounted drone

How to shoot aerial real estate photography
How to shoot aerial real estate photography
Ensure you use a high-quality camera to get the best aerial real estate photos. And a DSLR is up to the job. If you are a newbie on drone photography, you can test with different equipment to make sure you can get the better result. There may have the danger that you camera can latch off mid-flight and fall thereby causing regret and this is why the equipment quality should be top notch.
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