Using Flash For Real Estate Flambient Photography
Real Estate Flambient Photography is considered as the most advanced types for the property listing. It can lead to the success of the property performance on the internet. And in order to get that, flash light play an important role in adding the beautiful light for the property. If you are a photographers and want to know how to take advantage of the flash then this article is for you.

Advantages of Flash For Real Estate Flambient Photography

real estate flambient photography
Using flash for real estate flambient photography
  • For flash shots, photographers usually depend on the natural light of the room to decide which flash equipment they need to use. If this room is in low-light conditions then adding a strong flash is a great way to change the light in a room entirely. Moreover, it allows us to illuminate areas that should be accentuated even if they are naturally in shadow. If you take the shoot in a room that has strong light from sunlight, then close the curtains to reduce the light coming through the window. And adding a small flashlight to light up your room seems to be great. Professional photographers usually use flash for flambient shots because it can easily to use and the work is rather efficient.
  • The flash is the best way to get the accurate color for the property. White HDR photos can deal with various kinds of light, but they still need many steps in the post-processing process to get a realistic image. But thanks to the flash shots of flambient photography ( it may need to take 2-3 exposures of flash shots), we can easily merge these exposures and get the accurate color for the image.
  • In case a room has mirrors or other reflective surfaces, you may find that the perfect lighting for most of the image results in a reflection or “hot spot” in another part of the image. The way to work around this is to capture 2-3 different exposures/layers, and then combine them using layer masks in Photoshop. Again, it’s a relatively simple process.

Disadvantages to Flash For Real Estate Flambient Photography

Real Estate Flambient Photography
Nice Color using flash for Real Estate Flambient Photography
First, for using flash, we need to prepare additional equipment for the flash. Depending on the conditions of the room, you will know which kind of equipment you should use to get better results. Especially in flambient photography, you usually need to get more than just a single flash. Many things such as Light stands, brackets, all kinds of light modifiers, larger strobes, etc.
Second, The process of taking a shoot with Flash needs a lot of extra setup time. Flambient Photography is one of the types that need to invest much time and effort of photographers. Because you need to make brackets of ambient shots, flash shots, and window shots. And you need to use flash to get better light for the images. Moreover, you have to spend much time on the setup, move around, and break down flashes for lighting every single room of a property. Depending on how quickly you work and how simple or complex your setup is, it might take double or triple the time to shoot with flash instead of just bracketing exposures.
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