10 Tips For Shooting Flambient Real Estate Photography P4
If you’re a newbie photographer and you want to improve your skills with flambient real estate photography. Then we recommend you should start with great ambient shots. Today NiceColor will share with you some tips to help you out when it comes to taking ambient photo shots.

10. Shoot Flambient Real Estate Photography at the Chest Level 

To avoid image distortion, many professional photographers try to keep the camera at a straight level when it comes to taking real estate flambient photography. Because the perspective distortion may ruin your images.
Especially in order to make the photos that all doorways, wall corners, etc., appear straight, we need a leveled camera.
Depending on various kinds of properties, you might need to change height levels. So it is the art of setting your tripod.

Choose a Good Starting Point 

Flambient real estate photography
Tips for Flambient real estate photography
Choose the starting point to shoot from the chest level because it resembles the viewpoint of a person walking around a property.
It is better to put the camera below the head to give a better-pleasing perspective than a top-down view. By doing this, homebuyers can see and admire the floors and furniture instead of the cupboard or wall hangings.
Make Adjustments in Every Room
Moreover, flexibly adjusting the camera from the starting point of 4 to 5 feet is an excellent way to shoot, depending on the type of interior.
For example, in kitchens or bathrooms, set the camera height at 1.25 feet to 2 feet above the counter height. Keep the camera height high enough to avoid seeing the surface on the bottom of the cabinets. There may be lights and other stuff under there you don’t want to show.

Stand on the Viewer’s Point of View 

Flambient real estate photography
Flambient real estate photography
Viewer want to imagine themselves in that property actually, so we need to impress them with key features and details. For example, if you need to photograph a living room with a great entertainment system, you can position your gear about the height of a person sitting down while watching.

Consider the Perspective of Your Lens

Most rooms come with a plethora of horizontal and vertical lines, which can guide you whether you have the correct elevation or not.
Shooting with A wide-angle lens broadens the perspective horizontally, giving emphasis on the floor and ceiling.

11. Use bracketing of exposures for flambient real estate photography

Flambient Real Estate Photography
Tips for Flambient Real Estate Photography
High Dynamic Range (HDR) photography is a special technique that take bracket of exposure from different ranges of light to get the final realistic images.
By taking advantages of different ranges of light, it allows you to record more details features for the images from contrasting scenes. For example,  a dark interior with bright light shining in from a window.
A tripod is a necessary equipment that can help you to create steady frame for your different exposure at the same angle. By choosing a suitable position, photographers can easily to take bracket of 3-5 exposures. This tripod is useful to prevent your camera from shaking, then you can have the same frame.
Popularly, atleast 3 exposures of bracket including expose one photo for highlights, one for the mid-tones, and one for the shadows.  The more exposures you take, the more details you can capture from the entire dynamic range for the more realistic final images. So to save more time and effort, normally photographers take 3-5 exposures to get enough light for the post-processing afterward.
Now therre are many professional software that support you to merge these brackets of exposure together like Photoshop, Lightroom. It is quite simple to use this feature, just go to the menu File>Automate>Merge to HDR Pro.  Then drag the files, and Photoshop will merge them into a single HDR photo.  But to have a perfect HDR bracket of images to perform on the marketing campaigns, you need to do some more adjustment to get better results and save more time. So photographers and realtors usually outsourcing them from a professional editors team.
They will use hand-blending tool to ensure to get the high-quality images for your campaigns.
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