Equipment for Real Estate Flambient Photography

Flambient photography is an exclusive kind that photographers used in the real estate business. It involves combining both flash and ambient light exposures to get the best images for your property. Nowadays, the flambient method become one of the fastest-growing methods for shooting real estate photography.

When to use Flambient Photography?

real estate flambient photography
Real estate flambient photography

The flambient is the most advanced type of photography that photographers and agents choose to use when it comes to taking extreme dynamic range in the home. Since it is a special kind that requires much time and effort to edit later, so people often use it when there are areas of a room that are quite dark, while the view outside the window is very bright. Moreover, it requires a professional photographer with a special camera setting to capture a set of ambient brackets with a flash shot too. So, depending on these scenarios, using the flambient method is the best way to bring out the most beautiful images with extra benefits.

Equipment for flash ambient real estate photography

real estate flambient photography
Real estate flambient photography
DSLR Camera – to ensure high-quality original images for your real estate property.
Tripod – Even if you shooting a luxury property or not, when it comes to shooting real estate, a tripod is a necessary thing to take flambient and HDR photography. This small thing like a tripod can help your property stand out from competitors easily by aligning your exposures and amazing images.
Flash – Normal flash is fine. We recommend using the outdoor flash for more light power. Try Godox AD200, it is the most commonly used by Real Estate photographers.
Flash Trigger – This is the device that allows your camera to communicate with a flash without a physical connection to the camera. Then allows the flash to fire perfectly timed for the photograph.

Camera Settings for real estate flambient photography

Setting your camera is crucial things to get the best ever quality of your listing. First of all, bear in mind that flambient photography needs 3-5 brackets of images.

  •  Set the camera in Manual mode first of all
  •  Set both the Aperture and ISO the same. Do you know why? Because they affect the amount of light that comes into the camera. The ISO affects how much light is needed to produce a correct exposure. Then only the shutter speed should be varied. ISO setting determines how sensitive your camera is to light. For real estate interior photography, it’s recommended to use an ISO not exceeding ISO 400.
  • You also need to select a suitable aperture for the scene. This varies depending on the scene, but f/8 is a good balance between depth of field and shutter speed.
  • Using a tripod is also recommended to avoid movement from the camera. Because you’ll be taking many shots, and some might have slow shutter speeds that may cause the camera to move a little making the images blurred.
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