4 Advantages of Flambient Real Estate Photography for Editors

Flambient Real Estate photography plays an important role in the victory of the real estate industry. It has the power to create stunning views of the property, and highlight every corner in an ideal manner. So that, realtors and agencies want to outsource these images to ensure the high-quality service to showcase to potential customers. In the meantime, by using flambient photography, editors can save more time and be able to get the high-end quality for the property. Let check out some of these advantages so that you can understand more about the benefits of Flambient Real Estate Photography for Editors.

Flambient Real Estate Photography Enhances depth perception.

Flambient real estate photography
Flambient real estate photography from NiceColor team

Photographing with flambient methods which offer a wider angle naturally exaggerates the perspective in a scene, achieving a greater sense of depth.
Moreover, by taking shoot thrice and merging these exposures together naturally, flambient photography allows us to create a perfect image. It will help the viewer to reconstruct the three-dimensional scene in their mind. This allows them to go deep into the scene, rather than just seeing a photo of it. That way, we can create a much stronger sense of depth.

Ensures that there isn’t any unwanted glare from windows or reflective surfaces.

Flambient real estate photography
Advantages of Flambient real estate photography

When it comes to taking photography with interior photos, photographers usually have some trouble with glare from the window or reflective surfaces. It can easily be caused by the sunlight coming through the window. As a result, it may ruin the pictures. Then flambient method is released for fixing these problems with window shots. While there are many light sources coming through the window, so flambient shots provide the best technique to help photographers deal with them. By taking shot thrice and combining these ambient shot and flash shots, window shot together, we can have the best versions for this angle. Thanks to using flash shot, professional photographers can easily reduce any flash reflections or any unwanted glare from windows. Normally, they will point a high-powered flash directly at the window frames. It is not only the best way to get the best window exposure but also an easy way to make the blending process.

Shorten the time for post-processing work.

Compared with other real estate photo methods, flambient photography is one type that saves you more time with minimal post-processing work. Do you know why?

  • By taking shot thrice, editors can easily merge these exposures and create a strong sense of depth for the images.
  • The flash shots can help editors to get accurate colors for the room, even in low-light conditions.
  • The ambient shot gives homeowners chances to get the cozy atmosphere, a home-like feeling for homebuyers. This ambient shot is useful for editors to get the soul for the property.
  • By using suitable flash, professional photographers can reduce the most unwanted glare or reflections. So editors do not need to spend much time adjusting or enhancing them.
  • That’s why we do not need to adjust many steps for an amazing flambient photo.
  • Much professional software like Lightroom or Photoshop can support us with post-processing work for the best flambient photos.

Easy to adjust the white balance

Flambient Real Estate Photography
Flambient Real Estate Photography

We can save more time and effort on editing flambient real estate photography.

  •  Adjusting white balance is the first thing editors will do when it comes to enhancing the real estate flambient photos. It means editors will base on the flash exposure to get the accurate color of the room to make it appear more realistic.
  • Thanks to using flash exposure, we can easily adjust the white balance and make it better. Do you know why? When we take the ambient shot, the color of many things in the room can be changed because of the tungsten light bulbs or light coming through the window.
  • Moreover, using a digital camera, photographers can easily to set the White balance function on the camera directly. Luckily, most newer DSLR cameras have powerful automatic white balance (AWB) functions.
  • Or by using a professional software like Photoshop or Light room, you can easily adjust the white balance based on these brackets of exposures. Or with an editor, it even saves more time and effort with flambient.
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