5 Reasons Why Use Real Estate Video Content

Using Real Estate Video Content is a great way to strengthen the emails and messages you send out to customers, prospects, and team members every single day. You can email a video or you can text a video to enhance your messages to customers, prospects, and more! Video is a powerful tool to capture what the cursor can’t and almost always – beats out plain text any day.

1. Real Estate Video content is easy to create.

Thanks to all-new technology and video-making programs available, we have many chances to create effortless videos on our own. Even with a mobile phone or series of images, we can also can make a video for our real estate property. We no longer have to prepare expensive, high-end video equipment in order to record a video. Moreover, nowadays, there are many video apps, software, etc. available for you to create your videos. Then if you want to have a stunning video to show off your real estate listing then you can outsource real estate video editors.
In addition, estate video content comes in handy with many types of content. You can have many ideal types of video for your property. From overview to the specific Bedroom, living room or outdoor garden, etc. It has become even faster to produce than text. It takes just as much time to take out your phone and record a short video.

2. Video content is rich.

real estate video
Using real estate video for listing

There are many ways to create a real estate video to showcase your property :
– About us video tell the story about your real estate business
– Expert videos showcase your knowledge
– A guided tour video to promote specific properties
– A video to show the surrounding area of where a property is located
– A tips and tricks video to educate your target audience
– A testimonial video to leverage happy customers
Did you know that the brain can process visuals 60,000 times faster than text? Video uses visual aesthetics and audio to paint the whole picture, and better convey the whole story. Even you choose which types of real estate video for your marketing campaign, it did a great job of helping you reach more potential customers. Cause it’s fast and efficient, you can take advantage of it for all departments.

3. Real Estate Video increases engagement and drives action.

A picture is worth a thousand words. Compare to pictures, video is more engaging thanks to its strong emotions. Even a short video, but it has the power to evoke strong feelings like an impression or infatuation about your property through visual and auditory cues. It did a great job in helping you get recipients to engage with your advertising.
After enthralling customers, real estate videos also help you to encourage them to take action. Research from KISSmetrics found that videos that include calls-to-action produce 380% more clicks than alternative CTA options, like buttons or written text. Bear in mind that including a call to action at the end of your video is the great key to driving action. For those who want to increase conversions, then a special guide is necessary to creating effective sales videos and has much more power compare with text or real estate images.

4. Video content is memorable.

It is fact that visual aids are the better way for people to watch and admire a beautiful property. That’s why real estate video is the first priority to attract more buyers. Viewers retain 95% of a video’s message as compared to 10% if reading it in text.
Video is a powerful way to draw up a total view of the property for potential customers. Moreover, even if you want to see more details about each room, homeowners also provide this specific video with every corner feature. These beautiful compelling video content are essential for drawing emotions and reactions. Emotions play an important role in making buyers’ decisions. If a video has a strong impact on an individual’s emotions, they are likely to retain even more information.
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