10 Tips Shooting Real Estate with Items Removal Editing
Items Removal is one of the necessary tasks for an amazing real estate listing. It will help your property look clean and spacious. Today Nice Color wll share with you some tips on how to shoot real estate property when applying items removal editing.

01 – Turn Fans Off

Items removal editing
It is more difficult when it comes to moving objects in your HDR bracket of photos. So in order to save more time when blending photos together using HDR photography, then the first tip is to ensure fans are turned off.

02 – Straighten Furniture

Symmetry is a very important factor when it comes to taking interior real estate photography. The next tip is to ensure items including chairs, pillows, appliances and couches are always straightened.

03 – Remove Small Unnecessary Items

Make sure to clean up the mess with small items like tissue boxes, remote controls, or Christmas ornaments. It will help your room look a little more spacious and clean.  Less is more is work in real estate photography.

04 – The Blind Trick

Bear in mind that you only want to show up the beautiful view outside the window. If it is your neighbor’s roof or the latter, you can choose to cover that up. Close the door/window then lower the blind down slightly to hide the neighbor’s roof.

05 – Opening Doors To Create Space

Opening doors to outside spaces (like a pool area or an outside patio) is a smart way to help your property look more spacious. So the next tip you can follow is opening the door to create space if shooting a room where the entrance door is visible.

06 – Turn On The Lights

Lighting fixtures play an important role in shining the room. Then you can turn on your lights in every room! It not only makes your interior images look more beautiful with this decoration but also easy to get the best shoot. You can apply this tip for all the rooms, even kitchen or exterior images. It is a great way to get amazing images.

07 – Straighten Bed Spreads

If shooting a bedroom, make sure to straighten the bed spreads. This may seem pedantic but it’s all the little one percenters that add up to make a shot look professional.

08 – Use An Umbrella If Shooting In The Rain

An umbrella becomes one of the very necessary things if you shoot a property in rainy weather. It not only protects the camera (and lens in particular) from rain particles but also helps you to shoot easier. By using an image enhancement service, you can turn a rainy scent into a beautiful sunny day.

9 – Using Items Removal For Interiors


Items removal is one of the necessary tasks when it comes to taking interior photos. Sometimes there are items that can’t be practically removed like furniture or cabinet. You can not move the furniture away while living there. Or some personal decorations like religious artifacts. Or even some uncontrollable things like a van seen from the window. Use our item removal edit to take out unnecessary items from the shot.

10 – Using Items Removal For Exteriors

Even for exteriors photos, if there are some items like gardening tools or “For Sale” signs, etc. Then the best way to get risk of it is using items removal editing. Once again, less is more.
There are many ways to get amazing photos to showcase your real estate property. But if you use items removal editing, it will help you to save more time and effort. We hope that by using these tips, you take better shots and ultimately help with your real estate campaign.
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