8 Easy Steps for Flambient Real Estate Photo Editing

Flambient Real Estate Photo become one of the popular types with realtors and photographers for property listings. Since the preparation for shooting Flambient photos is quite a time and effort-consuming, the editing process is rather fast. Today, Nicecolor will share with you some easy steps that you can follow to get a better Flambient real estate photo by your own in the future.

8 Easy Steps for Flambient Real Estate Photo Editing

flambient real estate photo
Using Flambient real estate photo editing 


Step 1. Normally, you can choose to use professional software like Lightroom. It is helpful with many tasks and solves problems with your images perfectly. First, put your photos in Lightroom. You can use brackets of 3-5 exposures to get the best – flash photos and ambient photos.
The goal is to get the correct exposures and balance for the ambient photos. And for the flash photo, you should adjust the suitable color in Photoshop, as it affects the color when it is too dark or too light.
Step 2. We use Photoshop to open them as layers. First, you have to select the 2 kinds of photos, flash, and ambient layers, then right-click.
Step 3. Focus on the layers panel in Photoshop, and put the ambient layer on top of the flash layer. You also can name your layers to easily recognize them.
Step 4. Next step, you have to change the blending mode of the ambient layer to luminosity. This will retain the exposure of the ambient layer and show only the colors.
If you zoom in you will see the discoloration on the image due to the effect of the blending mode on the flash shadow layer.
Step 5. The goal is the fix these effects. Now, add a blank new layer and change its blending mode to color.
Step 6. Then, use the Brush Tool, select the surrounding color in the area, and start painting on the part where the discoloration is visible. You should careful on this task in order not to paint on the things that shouldn’t be painted on.
Step 7. With window photos, you have to add masking to the ambient layer to mask the window view.
Step 8. And for the finishing touch, set your brush in zero percent hardness with 10-20% opacity and brush on areas that need recovery for the whole image excluding areas where the flash shadows are prominent.
This is to avoid recovering the shadows. Just brush it back if you happen to brush on the part where the shadow is.
Lastly, click save, and that’s how you edit flambient real estate photo! If you can’t edit your flambient photo as perfect as you wish then you can outsource your original photo with us.

NiceColor Real Estate Photo Editing service

NiceColor is major in Real Estate Photo Editing Services, including flambient photo editing. We aim to create an amazing experience for our clients. We understand that our clients love high-quality service to showcase the best features for their properties.
flambient real estate photo
Nice Color flambient real estate photo 
  • Our team with more than 10 editors are well-trained in flambient real estate photo editing. We work in real estate field for more than 10 years of experience so we understand how to make your property shine as you wish. Everyday, all the members of the team are trying our best to respond to your need to meet your expectation. We have supported different businesses from realtors to agencies and photographers all over the world. By enhancing your images, we create amazing experiences for your clients as it is a cozy home with a like-home atmosphere. The accuracy of the flambient images will be the most advantage that leads to your conversion rate.
  • Our expert Flambient image editors are keen on editing real estate photos. Besides flambient editing, we also do many other tasks like Green Grass or items Removal to ensure you have a perfect album for your listing. We guarantee for high-quality service and have adhered to the most exact deadlines. Order your tasks today and you will understand how much you can save with our real estate Flambient photo editing services.
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